Mad Woman


Being a woman can REALLY suck sometimes. Our rights are constantly on trial and our safety is threatened everywhere we go, then our sanity is questioned when we express anger for how we are treated. These illustrations portray some of my frustrations with society’s treatment of women.


Hands Off

Lawmakers, but especially men, should not be restricting access to an important and highly personal medical procedure. Such restrictions only hurt communities who already have limited access to health care such as people of color, people with low incomes, people with disabilities, and many others. Criminalizing abortion doesn’t stop women from choosing the procedure, but only increases risky and dangerous alternatives.

The goal should not be to stop women from getting abortions, but rather to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place. There will always be women who suffer difficult pregnancies, but we can decrease the number of women needing abortions by implementing better sex education in schools, free contraceptives, better healthcare and welfare, and creating a society where women are protected from sexual exploitation.


 I’m Speaking

That moment during the Vice-Presidential debate between Senator Kamala Harris and Vice President Mike Pence became a rallying cry for women all over the country. Now vice-president-elect, Kamala Harris firmly and respectfully stated, “I’m speaking” after Pence kept interrupting her while she tried to answer the moderator’s questions.


The Cost of the Beauty Industry

We have been conditioned to see women in makeup as our natural state, and it has deeply affected our behaviors and habits. Women are perceived as less healthy, less confident, and less competent when seen without makeup. The pressure to look a certain way takes a toll on self-esteem and mental health, especially in young girls. Wearing cosmetics and wanting to be beautiful is not a bad thing in and of itself, but it becomes a problem when our beauty becomes tied to our perception of self-worth. So we pay with our money, our mental and physical energy, and our time.

So, if you or your society doesn’t think you’re beautiful, it’s okay. You don’t have to be. You are worthy anyway.


A Woman’s Arsenal

  1. Metal Water Bottle: For hydration and kicking ass, good for smacking

  2. Pen Knife: Mess with me and I will be signing your death certificate with this

  3. Keys: Put between knuckles. *Bonus, you feel like Wolverine

  4. Loud Alarm: Someone will find you to tell you to shut up

  5. Flash Light: Blind would-be attackers

  6. Taser: A taser disguised as an iPhone? Who am I, James Bond?

  7. Whistle: People might not come running for you but at least you can rupture an eardrum

  8. Pepper Spray: Spray AWAY from you

  9. Pocket Knife: Know how to use it first!




  • Thank you Professor Minnish for guiding me through my last project.


  • Illustration


  • Layout

  • Creative Direction