IFCC Branding


IFCC, or Impact for Community Change, is a non-profit that focuses on work that impacts lifelong learning, advances knowledge, and strengthens individuals to build stronger communities. As a growing non-profit, IFCC wanted a brand identity that communicates its mission and appeals to its target audience. The founder, Joli Blount, has an optimistic personality and a big heart that we really wanted to reflect in the brand.


Project Goals

Our goal was to update the logo and design a brand identity to better represent their mission, reflect their passion to help people, and reach their target audience.

Target Audience

  • People in need of resources such as those who are unhoused, in the prison system, or low-socio economic households

  • People with resources such as potential sponsors, donors, and volunteers


The Logo

The main logo consists of a mark and a custom logotype. The mark has the letters ‘IFCC’ arranged to form an exclamation point to reflect how IFCC emphasizes issues that need solving. The logo also forms a key to reflect how we give people the key to their success and future. We wanted to stay away from common non-profit imagery such as hands or stick figures in a circle because it felt cliche and disingenuous, which is the opposite of our brand.



IFCC is a personal, hands-on organization. It was important that they avoid looking like a government institution because their target audience already holds some mistrust towards the government, and they want their audience to be able to trust them. We picked these colors for IFCC because they are colorful but slightly muted, giving an open and welcoming effect that reflects the organization’s mission to help those most in need.





  • Being a good listener and trusting my instincts have been valuable to me while working on this project.

  • Doing work for people who do good work for others is very rewarding.

  • I custom-made the font on the logo, and while making it I realized I really liked designing fonts.


  • Thank you Joli for the passion you have for your work and for always being excited about the work we show you!

  • Wendy, our office right now may just be a giant couch, but the joy of working with you has no limits.


  • Brand Guidelines

  • Color & Typography

  • Logo Design

  • Digital Collateral


  • Brand Design

  • Creative Direction

  • Team Management

  • Custom Typography

  • Copywriting